Server statistics

Total users
9556 days
Online time of all user / Total
193 days
Online time of all user / month
42 days
Online time of all user / week

Server usage

Active / inactive time (of all clients)

Versions (of all clients)

Nationalities (of all clients)

Platforms (of all clients)

User online last 24 hours
User online last 7 days
User online last 30 days
User online last 90 days

Current statistics

Server status Online
Clients (Online / Max) 2 / 32
Amount of channels 39
Average server ping 0 ms
Total bytes received 14.36 GiB
Total bytes sent 27.46 GiB
Server uptime 00 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Mins, 00 Secs
Average packet loss 0 %

Overall statistics

Server name GameMania
Server address (Host Address : Port)
Server password No (Server is public)
Server ID 1
Server platform Linux
Server version 3.13.7
Server creation date (dd/mm/yyyy) TeamSpeak has failed, so no creation date...
Report to server list Activated